There are more than 20 financial reports in ePractice to help you monitor your chargeable activity, payments received, outstanding debtors and patient accounts. Here are five of the most popular:
1. Aged debt analysis
Displays outstanding debt by patients and segments the debt by aged bands (eg. 0-30 days, 31 - 60 days, 61 - 90 days outstanding). An essential tool for credit control.
2. Outstanding invoices by payor
Shows all invoices with a current outstanding balance by payor type, including or excluding shortfalls. Makes it easy to see who needs a payment reminder.
3. Invoice listing by payor
Provides a summary of invoices, by payor, for a requested date range. Use the filter to view outstanding or settled invoices.
4. Payment summary report
Shows the payments received, by invoice, within a selected date range. Enables you to keep track of what has been paid and the payment method used.
5. Earliest service and transaction summary report
Displays invoices, within a selected date range, by first date of service. Based on the chargeable items on the invoice, the report includes earliest date of service, service description, the patient's name, details of any payments received and the balance still outstanding. Helps you to see what consultations or treatments took place within a particular date range.
For more information about the financial reporting functions in ePractice, please contact our Customer Service team on 01784 263 150.