Reporting Comparison

ePractice Report Comparison


Report TypeePractice billerePractice biller PlusePractice manager
Account Summary by Patient     • 
Account Summary by Payor     • 
Aged Debt Analysis     • 
Aged Debt Analysis by Invoice     • 
Aged Debt Analysis by Payor     • 
Appointment Listing by Appointment Type     • 
Appointment Listing by Status     • 
Appointment Status Counts     • 
Bespoke Data Export •  •  • 
Earliest Service and Transaction Summary     • 
End of Day Banking List     • 
End of Month Banking List     • 
Financial Summary Analysis by Payor     • 
Financial Summary Report     • 
Invoice Listing by Invoice Date   •  • 
Invoice Listing by Patient   •  • 
Invoice Listing by Payor   •  • 
Outstanding Invoices by Payor     • 
Payment Summary Report   •  • 
Payments Allocated by Invoice Date   •  • 
Payments Allocated by Patient   •  • 
Payments Allocated by Payor   •  • 
Transaction Audit Report •  •  • 
Transaction Listing by Patient   •  •