Healthcode makes submission to the Paterson Inquiry

Published: Tuesday, 04 December 2018 09:00

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Healthcode have made a submission to help inform the Inquiry into Paterson, outlining which systems are available and the future developments underway to create a central repository of Consultant information. The submission discusses how Healthcode works to unite Private Medical Insurers (PMIs), Hospitals and Consultants under the same platform, stimulating discussion and best practice comparison across the entire healthcare sector. Healthcode are huge advocates of collaboration and as a sector we need to work collectively to protect and enhance our strengths and band together to improve our offering where it needs to be strengthened.

Healthcode launched The Private Practice Register (The PPR) two years ago. While initially launched to support Practitioners in gaining recognition with Insurers, we soon realised The PPR would enable the Independent healthcare sector to achieve the level of information transparency demanded by the Competitions and Markets Authority and to demonstrate that we have learned the lessons of the Paterson case.


Click to read the submission