Have you tried… Setting up your Pricing Matrix?

Published: Tuesday, 19 April 2022 13:43

The problem: My medical secretary usually has to wait for me to confirm the fee when they raise an invoice because this varies by location and type of payor. How can I make it more efficient and help them to determine the correct amount each time?

Healthcode’s reply: The Pricing Matrix enables you to record your fees for treatments and services, including differentiating for different payors and treatment locations. Once your medical secretary has entered the necessary details on an invoice, they can find the correct fee with just one click.

Quick guide

  • Select Guideline Pricing under the Accounting tab in ePractice.
  • Click Manage Payors to see your selected payors which already lists self-pay patients.
  • Use the Payor Type drop-down menu to select from other payor types eg embassies, solicitors, insurers. Click on ‘insurer’ to bring up a list of insurers. Then select those who recognise you and click + to add them to your selected payors list.
  • Click Manage Services and enter the code or description to search the list. Keep searching and adding services and then click save to return to the pricing matrix where they will all be listed.
  • Click on each service and add/edit to enter a fee by type of payor and treatment site. Then click save and repeat.
  • Once your Pricing Matrix is complete, click the calculator icon when raising an invoice to automatically insert the correct fee for that procedure and payor type.

To discover more about the Pricing Matrix and other time-saving ePractice features, why not sign up for our free online tutorials with the Healthcode Academy? The Academy’s team of product specialists will guide you through our series of short personalised training sessions, using your own Healthcode account to make the training as relevant as possible.

Click here to enrol in the Academy and book a time to suit you.