Healthcode's standard coding package will enable providers to meet the requirements of the CMA Order. The package includes:
Admitted Patient Care Spells Clearing
The collection and processing of spells for private patients. Each spell record submission is verified, validated and pseudonymised before being passed to the Information Organisation.
Statement of Purpose
The records for Statement of Purpose contains details such as provider demographics, regulation information, regulated activities, facilities and critical care arrangements. The information is fed to the Information Organisation for publication.
Consultant view of APC Spells - coming soon
Consultants will be able to view their spell records and to feedback any discrepancies to the relevant provider for resubmission to the Information Organisation.
For more information about our Clinical Coding Management Solutions please contact the Business Development team on 0330 900 4900 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..